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Klick Business Solutions (Klick) is a multi-award-winning specialised tender writing and bid management company located in the Midlands, supplying services to businesses and organisations across the UK.
Tendering may well be the only way for your business to access lucrative public sector services contracts. Don’t waste your tender opportunity with an ineffective, badly structured response.
As winners of both the Black Country Chamber ‘Professional Services’ Award and the ‘Black Country Business of the Year’, alongside previous awards for ‘Small Business of the Year’ for both the Black Country Chamber of Commerce and Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, our commitment to producing professional, quality tender documents and excellent customer service is clear to see.

About Us
Klick Business Solutions is a team of experienced professionals working with companies throughout the UK to win new business and contracts via the tender process. We provide consultancy, research and actual writing support for the completion of SQs and Tender Submissions to the public and private sectors.
Yes, we do actually write the tender documentation for you!
Before we start any work, we will first ensure that your company meets all the buyer's mandatory criteria for pass/fail, we never start work with a client and charge them for our services if we don’t believe they will pass the mandatory sections of a tender.
We will then take the time to understand your business and your competitors, to understand what makes you different and better than these competitors so that we can work on your win themes.
When we create your tender responses, we will ensure that they are based on what each particular buyer requires and what is in their specification. High scoring answers fully describe how you will deliver what the buying organisation wants as well as providing evidence of your company’s experience, skills and capability.
In public sector tenders they will normally tell you how each answer will be marked, we write according to this criteria to ensure we score maximum marks.
Cumulatively the Klick team has over 90 years of experience writing winning tenders, working with and on behalf of companies of all sizes, from SMEs to large international organisations and has recorded notable achievements for those businesses who had previously struggled to secure contracts.
The team includes management, experienced SQ and Tender Writers, administrators and researchers who will ensure your tender is tailored to the client and is not just all about you.
All our work is undertaken in the strictest confidence and in line with the data protection act/GDPR. Once we accept a project, we do not entertain working for any other competitors who approach us to assist them with a submission and no information on who we are representing is ever revealed. The team are happy to sign NDAs to protect confidential information.
For more information on how Klick Business Solutions can help your organisation secure tendered contracts please contact us here for a free quotation.